Life is Wild.

The Unknown. Scary. Magical. Mysterious. Painful. Moments of Joy. Past Regret. Big and Little (T)rauma. Scars. Surrender. Current Struggles. Questions. Comparison to others. Perfection. Attachment. Just Wanting To Be Happy. Feel More Free. Passionate. Connected. Present and Whole.

My Holistic Practice Philosophy.

There is a wholeness and knowing that exists within you. Therapy is an incredibly special process of cracking that open. It is a space where you can show up and be authentically you, which is hard for most of us to do. Many of us have been deeply hurt, disappointed, or traumatized by our families, close relationships, and experiences in life. In turn we become "wounded" and are living from that space of pain or unconsciously reacting to those around us.  But often through societal pressures, we walk around smiling and pretending to be happy, when internally we are battling self- criticism, perfectionism, depression, numbness, or anxiety. It ends up being exhausting to walk through life, careers, and relationships - not knowing how to share our true needs, communicate honest feelings, or heal those areas of past pain. Then we wind up stuck in a cycle of old ways of being, patterns, and habits.  

This is where I come in. 

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What People Are Saying


"Simply put: Gina is extraordinary. She's accessible and insightful, professional and creative, serious-minded and funny. I've had therapists in the past where I felt like we just talked but never got anywhere. Not only does Gina help me feel comfortable in her presence, she gives me practical ideas & tools to apply in my life. With her help, I feel I've been able to shift some patterns I've been stuck in. I highly recommend Gina!"

— JA

“I am so thankful that I met Gina, she was such a special find. Working with her helped me gain my sense of self again. I found that my meetings with her always brought me peace, and the motivation to continue to grow. She holds a safe and loving space that allowed me to work through the things I needed to. I will carry what I learned through my time with her for the rest of my life. She is simply the greatest!"

— TC

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You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.

— Alan Watts

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Mar Vista, CA
Malibu, CA